Our Mission

What is Fig Tree Golf?

The parable of the Fig Tree regards a tree that bears no fruit which is useless and should be uprooted. Jesus wants us to live our lives for God. He wants us to ensure we stay deeply Rooted in His Word, and in His Presence in all that we do.  Every person is born for a purpose. The Gospel reveals that we are like fig trees called upon to bear fruit.

Every polo features a verse on its inner sleeve;

“So whether you eat or drink, or whatever you do, do it all for the Glory of God’

  • 1 Corinthians 10:31

Our Mission

What is Fig Tree Golf?

Applying this verse to every day life, encourages us that even in the mundane actions of eating or drinking that we do so for the glory of God. In every day life we can find meaningful expressions of faith in everything we do. Playing golf "for the Glory of God" means respecting the game's rules, honoring one's competitors, and appreciating the beauty of the creation in which it is played. It speaks to the idea of using one's talents and passions as avenues through which to glorify God, suggesting that even in leisure and sport, there is room for spiritual reflection and growth.

Our Mission

This is Fig Tree Golf

We are called as Christ followers to support, love, and defend those who need a voice. This includes the children that are currently without a forever home, hoping to be part of a loving family. Adoption is a mission that will never be complete and needs all the support it can.We at Fig Tree Golf want to make an impact in this work directly towards the children that need forever homes. We are teaming up with our local Church to help fund the expenses that are required in this country to adopt a child. A portion from each item sold will be given to this fund to aid families that are in the process or beginning the process of adoption.

Our Mission

This is Fig Tree Golf

“Speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves, for the rights of all who are destitute.”

Proverbs 31:8